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6 May 2021: LUKE Video on volatile fatty acids

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), is an expert in biomass processing and valorisation. One of the latest studies includes production of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) from waste and side streams. The video includes information from two Luke’s projects: AVARE and PASS-BIO.

AVARE is transnational project that is part of the ERA-Net SUSFOOD2 and PASS-BIO project is part of FACCE SURPLUS, with both funding provided by national sources (MMM) and co-funding by the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

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The project AVARE "Adding value in resource effective food systems" is a transnational project of the ERA-Net SUSFOOD2, funded by national funding agencies – Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Germany, The Research Council of Norway and Formas, The Swedish Research Council – and co-funded by the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.