Norwegian Institute for Sustainability Research (formerly Ostfold Research)
NORSUS is a research institute in Norway with main focus on environmental systems analyses and sustainable innovation. NORSUS is working within the area of sustainable food systems, packaging optimization and food waste minimization. The institute has been involved in national and international food waste prevention projects for ten years (ForMat Project in Norway), nordic projects on food waste from primary production, food waste and data labelling and food redistribution (coordinator) and in the FUSIONS project (mostly with developing methods for food waste statistics). We are involved in several new national research projects with relevance to the project (e.g. food waste in the hospitality sector and sustainable biogas). NORSUS is funded partly by basic funding from the Research Council in Norway and mostly from national and international research projects.
NORSUS will contribute in all WPs in the project proposal, and be coordinator of WP1. The institute will contribute with all our knowledge and models from ongoing research on food waste prevention, on modelling and calculation of net GHG emissions from value chains of organic waste, as well as analyses of sustainability of food systems. In WP1 we will organize the work with carrying out case studies on food waste prevention in the canteens as well as developing guidelines for interviews with stakeholders and actors in the value chain. We will also carry out the Norwegian case study in the WP, as well as analysing the main findings from all the partners. NORSUS will adjust a system for web based reporting from canteens in the project, to be tested by partners in all countries. NORSUS will also carry out studies of best practice and make cost benefit analyzes and evaluate practices in a total value chain approach. In WP3 NORSUS will contribute with our models for analysing net GHG emissions from treatment of organic waste and adjust those to be used in other countries and for the relevant waste fractions. We will contribute in assessment by LCA, LCC and SLCA with basis in the tools, and present the results both for national case studies in Norway as well as in other countries, and describe the results in reports and scientific papers. In WP4 we will participate in the case studies and make the tools for assessment of optimal and sustainable packaging systems available for the project. NORSUS will carry out case studies with stakeholder interviews and analyses of relevant food chains in Norway and make the findings available for the rest of the project.