The further approach of working package 1 “Best practices for food waste prevention” was discussed. Considering data and results there are three papers to come: “Food waste baselines within the hospitality and catering sector”, “Reduction potential of different level of detail when measuring food waste” and “Comparative studies for food waste in hotels, restaurants and canteens”. Different measures for reducing food waste are going to be evaluated. Therefore a questionnaire will be tested in the next two month and potential of a communication-information campaign towards guests will be analysed. Furthermore specific factors influencing food waste are going to be examined through indepth interviews. Two papers are coming: “Comparing food waste in Germany, Norway, Finland and Sweden – Effect of organizational factors on level of school catering waste” and “Assessing the efficiency of measures against food waste – How situational factors in an organization affect the best measures to choose.” Besides that there are ongoing activities in Finland and Norway for value chain collaborations.